Monday, August 18, 2008


I got a phone call a little while ago from the elementary school Noah goes to. This past spring, we had Jonah tested for the school's Child Development (CD) program-basically pre-k. We were told that there was more testing to do this fall and they wouldn't start classes until September. My friend Caroline called me earlier this morning and said that her son Austin got in, and asked if I heard about Jonah. I said that I wasn't at home so I don't know if they called or not. There were no messages on my answering machine when we got back, so I was a little bummed. But I kept telling myself that I had to be patient. They were probably calling the students in alphabetical order. Austin's last name stars with an "M", so naturally they'd have gotten called before we did. And there are 2 classes, so the teachers might be calling at different times. I texted Bobby that Austin got accepted, and that I was still waiting to hear about Jonah, and as soon as I hit the send button, my house phone rang and it was the school giving me the good news!! Jonah will be starting pre-k next week! I was so ecstatic that I don't even remeber if they told me who his teacher is. As soon as I got off the phone I told Jonah and he got all excited, and I started crying. I am SO happy! My little man needs structure and boundaries that I cannot give him, and I know that when he gets in the classroom he'll do so well.

Hallelujah- my boy is going to school!!

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