Saturday, November 22, 2008

Handmade Christmas part 1

Since money's tight this year, I have decided to make the majority of the gifts for our family. I have been working on things for Sophia, my neice Gianna, my sisters, and my mother-in-law. And I roped the boys into being crafty this year too. A couple of weeks ago we went shopping at Michaels (by far one of my favorite places!) and bought some ceramic ornaments. The boys each picked out three to paint for their grandparents and their nana. Much to the boys' delight, today was they day they got to don their paintshirts and pull out their paintbrushes and get to work. Noah was not happy I took this becuase he was still in his pj's.

Note the concentration!

The finished products. Their grandparents and nana are going to love them!

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