Friday, February 13, 2009

The Great Hairbow Scandal of 2009

As some of you know, I make hairbows for my little monkey, and also sell them in my Etsy shop. On top of that, I make a bunch of sets that I send down to my mom & sisters in Florida, who in turn take them into the daycare center where they work, and sell them for me. When I was talking to my mom and one of my sisters on the phone this morning, they informed me of an instance recently that involved a set of white hairbows. It was just too good not to share.

A few weeks ago the center had picture day, and lots of little girls showed up to school wearing my various clips and bows. My mom had forgotten to bring the bag of unsold hair accessories home with her the night before, but didn't think anything of it. When my mom and sister got to work that morning, three of the other employees came up to them and said "so-and-so (who just so happens to be yet another employee) took one of the white bows and put it in her daughter's hair for the pictures. She doesn't plan on paying for them because she thinks that $7 for a set of bows is ridiculous. So she told her daughter that she was going to borrow it for her picture and then she was going to put it back and act like nothing happened." Mom and sister were not happy.

Mom acts like nothing's happend, but my sis, on the other hand, was livid. She walks into the classroom she teaches and lo and behold there's the little girl wearing the bow. Sis walks up to her, gently takes the bow out of the girl's hair (BEFORE the pictures even happened, haha!) and replaces it back onto the card with its mate. Then Sis proceeds to walk into the said employee's classroom, places the card with the bows down on the table, says "You owe me $7" and walks out.

So scandalous!!

* Said employee did pay up, and even apologized, but not before getting a big lecture on ethics from my sis.*


  1. Good for your sister!!!!! I would have done the same thing. :)

  2. WOW! Amen for sisters who stick up for their sisters! My sisters are the same way ... :o) Gotta LOVE 'em!
