Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trip Highlights

We left Friday afternoon for a summer visit to see family up in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. We made the trip in about 16 hours...not nearly as long as I'd feared. Here are a few highlights (and low points) from the last few days.
  • Jonah's impromptu, side-of-the-road potty break where he "peed on a spider's web!"(higlight for him, low point for me)
  • Watching an awesome light show of heat lightning in Virginia. (highlight)
  • Dealing with torrential down pours after the light show in Virginia. (low point)
  • Realizing at our second gas stop that I had lost one of my flip flops at the previous gas stop. (Major low point for me, highlight for everyone else)
  • Meeting lots of distant relatives at Grampa Corky's 80th Birthday Bash. (Little of both ;) )
  • Staring in awe that a bunch of geriatrics didn't break their hips while they were 2-steppin' the day away. (Total highlight!)
  • Taking the kids fishing in the lake. They have the Rocket Rods so they don't have to cast, but my son (guess which one) decided that he needed to cast anyway. This resulted in almost getting my eye taken out with a big plastic bobber and a nasty, still-wriggling worm on a hook. (highlight on the fishing, low point on the bobber to the head)
  • Having a slithering snake cross my path on the way back to the house. (LOW POINT!!)
  • Watching my 2 year old daughter roast weenies over the campfire. (highlight)
  • Playing washers with my hubby, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. (highlight)
  • Getting a hole in one when we played mini-golf in Lake George! (highlight!)

We're up here until the 5th, when sadly we'll have to head back home. But I'll have LOTS of pictures to share when we get back!

And in case I don't get a chance to blog again before we're home, I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July!

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