Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Week in the Adirondacks. Part Two.

On Sunday, we headed up to Indian Lake, to spend the rest of our vacation with hubby's sister Debby and brother-in-law Mike. We had so much fun with them. The boys thoroughly enjoyed throwing their watermelon rinds over the bank behind the house so the bears could eat them (we didn't see any in person, thank God!). They loved roaming the woods by the house in search of the perfect marshmallow and weenie roasting sticks.
We did alot of swimming on the lake and in the river. (And when I say "we", I mean the kids and Debby. It was WAY too cold for me!)
Mike, Jonah and hubby skipping rocks across the river.
Sophia loved the water in the river until she fell over in it. She wasn't much of a fan after that.
We had a fire almost every night and we roasted weenies and made countless S'mores. Even Sophia got in on the action!

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