Monday, October 12, 2009

A slice of Heaven.

Today I got a chance to go to one of my FAVORITE places on earth. Last week my friend Aubrey told me she was going to make the 2 hour drive to Columbia to hit up Hobby Lobby & JoAnn's since we don't have them here in Charleston. And since Hobby Lobby is what I would consider my own personal Heaven, I promptly decided to invite myself along on her little road trip. Our hubbies had today off for Columbus Day, so they would be able to pick the kids up from school, which gave us the ENTIRE DAY to go up!

We got up to bring our kids to school, I left Sophia home with the hubs, and we packed her little man an our other neighbor's son into the car and hit the road at 8am. We got rained on ALL DAY. But did we let that deter us?!


We walked into the sacred doors of the Lobby of Hobby and I swear I heard angels singing. We both stopped and inhaled deeply, wanting to breathe in the awesomeness. We bought some snacks for the boys to keep them appeased and then we took the store literally one aisle at a time. When we got to the fabric section my heart skipped a beat. I didn't even know where to start!! I knew I wanted some Christmas fabric (check), some fabric with some raspberry colors on it (check) and oh so much more. I was very proud of myself for the restraint I showed, because I wanted to buy out the store. But I didn't. I think I deserve a pat on the back.

Then, after a couple of hours we ran back out into the pouring rain, piled bags and kids back into the car, and headed over to JoAnns. We spent another hour or so in there, picking out MORE fabric ( can't pass up Columbus Day sales!!).

We took the kiddoes to a late lunch at Chik-fil-a and then hit the road back home. Even with being at a complete standstill on I-26 for FORTY-FIVE MINUTES, we had a superb day. Totally worth every minute. I can't wait to do it again.

Oh, and if you're reading this Aubrey, "I spent less than you did! Neener, neener, neener!" :)


  1. Shhh...thats supposed to be a secret silly :)

  2. Jen, you can come visit me any time. We have a brand new Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's and a Michaels within 2 miles of each other. So you want to book your trip now?

  3. For the teeny-tiny town we live in (in New Mexico) there is a great Hobby Lobby. I miss it! There isn't anything like it up here in New York.

    Glad you had such a wonderful day!!

