Friday, January 22, 2010

Blogger Award!

The other day (sometime this days have run together since we moved/I cleaned out the house on base for our final out- oooh do I have a doosy of a blog post for that ordeal!) my dear, sweet, amazing friend Natali honored me with this award. I'm one of someone's 10 favorite blogs to read! Who'da thunk it??

Hey- I felt pretty dang special, alright?!

Anywho- this award came with the following instructions:
~List 10 things that make you happy
~Pass the award on to 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
And since I'm a momma of three children, rules are enforced in this household, so I couldn't very well break these, now could I?

So here goes.
My favorite things:
1. Hubby & my three precious blessing: Noah, Jonah, and Sophia.
2. Charleston. I really love this much history, so much beauty, and who doesn't love Gone With The Wind-esque plantation homes?!
3. Target
4. Hockey. I kind of HAVE to like hockey in this house- the hubby coaches it and both boys play it.
5. Softball. THIS will be the sport that my little Sophia will play. Because I said so.
6. Crafting. And it's a good thing it's one of my favorite things because otherwise my Etsy shop would be pointless ;)
7. Cooking. I love love LOVE cooking & baking. Yes, I think I'm turning into my mother. Shhh-don't tell my hubby that I admitted that!
8. Friends. Being married to the military, we are very rarely around family, so friends have filled that void for us. I really wouldn't be able to stay sane (okay, sane as I can get with 3 kids, a sister and a husband to care for!) without them.
9. Shopping. Hello...I'm female-it's in the genes.
10. Travelling. Thanks to the military I've been able to travel to (and even live in) some amazing places.

And here are my 10 favorite blogs to read!
1. Natali @ The Thinking Blonde. Yes, I know she put me down and she's probably saying "Hey! No tag-backs!", but she's one of my very best friends, and since we live on opposite ends of the country, it's my way of keeping up with her and her adorable little man. Who my daughter will marry some day. Because WE said so.
2. Andrea @ Sgt. and Mrs. Hub. I have never met Andrea, but from the very first time I read her blog I felt an instant connection with her. We are both Air Force wives, have three children, and have to deal with all that comes with being a military wife.
3, 4, and 5 are my favorite crafting blogs. They are: Ashley & Whitney @ Shanty2Chic, Kristin @ Grace Violet, and Ashley @ Make It and Love It.
6. Jen @ CakeWrecks. FUNNY STUFF.
7 and 8 are my favorite food blogs. OH MY GOODNESS their recipes are out of this world. Pioneer Woman (her cookbook= AWESOMENESS) and Bakerella.
9. Becca @ Way Out Here. I've known this chick for-almost-ever. I dearly miss her and love that she has a blog so I can see pictures of her, her hubby Nate (who my kids call Unca Nate and always ask me when he's coming to watch baseball with us again), and her stinkin' adorable little man, Jonas.
10. Heather @ Whittaker Woman. Her posts are always so heartfelt and it's always good to know that other people have funny stories about their kids too!

If you've been tagged it's your turn to post!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. We are a HUGE hockey family. The devotion runs deep. When we were stationed in Italy the Avalanche made it to the Stanley Cup and hubby and I woke up at 2 am to watch due to the time change...

    Your recipes look great! I am always looking for new things to try..
