Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Asking forgiveness

I realize that I never posted the product review and giveaway that I promised last week. But my hubby came home from training on Friday night, so Friday daytime was spent cleaning the house. He had been away for 2 weeks and we were just a wee bit excited to see him. He's gone again for the week but is coming home again this weekend...hooray! I'm really really happy that his school for retraining is only 2.5 hours away from here. It will make the 4.5 months he has to be gone go by so much faster knowing he can come home most weekends!

Anyway...do y'all forgive me for the lack of a giveaway? I PROMISE to run it on Friday...pinky swear!


  1. Where's the giveaway!?!?

    BUT you pinky swore!!!! ;)

  2. GAH! I know...I'm awful. It's running today. It gets crazy on weekends because the hubby's been coming home on Friday nights so I spend all day Friday cleaning. But it's going up today....REALLY REALLY pinky swear! :)
