Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FInally...a review & giveaway!!

I know that this one has been a long time coming. But when my hubby tells me he's coming home for a weekend from training I get a little side tracked with house-cleaning on Fridays and then my blog falls behind. I so sorry!

Anyway, here's the review & giveaway you've been waiting for!

I contacted May about her wonderful organizers from her Etsy shop. I was in desperate need of something to keep all my store coupons and my shopping lists together without making my purse one huge mess. It was a challenge to say the least. But then I found this organizer, and I just HAD to have it!It comes with a notepad and pen all set for you to start your list-making! There's two pockets on each side (on the right side they're behind the notepad) and a clear pocket on the bottom left...perfect for carrying your ID if you don't want to take a full purse!She's got TONS of great items in her shop...purses, pillow covers, organizers and so much more. And since May is so great, she sent me this gadget cozy to offer up to one of you lucky readers! It's great for a cell phone, ipod, Blackberry...anything that will fit! And the pockets are quilted for extra protection for your gadget. I want one of these to carry my phone and keys when I hit the beach!

Here's how to enter:
Head on over to May's shop and pick your favorite item, then come back here and leave me a comment. Be sure to give me your contact info if I don't already have it so that I can send the gadget case on to the winner!

One post per person please. Winner will be chosen on Thursday, 12 Aug. Hurry on over before it's too late!


  1. Comment for Kait:

    My favorite is the refridgerator handle covers! I've never thought of it, but they are adorable.

  2. Comment for MN Mom:

    I really like the Treasure Caddy Travel Tote. This would definitely help organize my craft area!!

  3. I love the NEW MAYCAS CHIC TOTE POUCH BAG. It is so beautiful and so nicely done
