Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Finds on Etsy: Halloween Pt 1- Candy Corn!

"Ooohh! Candy Corn! I hate performing on an empty stomach!"
- Heimlich, from "A Bugs Life"
Next to those super delicious candy pumpkins I buy every year, candy corn is my favorite Halloween treat. I could eat those things ALL. DAY. LONG.

Serious. I have a big bowl of them on my kitchen table and I grab a handful when I pass by. If you're a dentist reading this blog, I can imagine you shuddering where you sit. Sorry. I do every week, I nosed around on Etsy and found some of the cutest candy corn items I could. There were so many I wanted to include, but then I'd be sitting my tush in this chair for too long. And since there are already too few hours in my day, I had to whittle it down to three.
Sorry to toot my own horn again, but I love Halloween so much and have alot of cute items up in my shop for this time of year, so I just had to showcase another one. I sorry. (Okay, not really. It's a shameless plug.) But you have to admit...this is a super cute headband, is it not?!Next up are these a-freakin'-dorable flip flops from Miss Priss Bowtique. These are made for toddlers but oh good heavens I want a pair for myself! I would totally sport these babies while taking the kids trick-or-treating!Last up are these great earrings from Miss Megan's. I don't have pierced ears, but I could definitely see my mom or sister wearing these. They're a great way to accessorize for Halloween but still be sophisticated!
So now go check all those shops out and make a purchase (or two or ten) and help support crafters!
Check back next week for another Halloween edition...this time featuring creepy crawly spiders!

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