Sunday, January 9, 2011


Ok here's a recap of my life since Christmas:

Christmas day decided about 2pm to drive to see my hubby's parents in Daytona Beach, with the stipulation that we take the kids to Disney World one last time before our big move.

Day after Christmas was spent freezing our tushies off at the Magic Kingdom...but we all had a blast! It was a great last hurrah on the east coast!

The week of New Years was spent getting ready for and dealing with our house being packed up and shipped off to Oklahoma. New Year's Eve and New Year's day was spent cleaning the house for our security deposit inspection. Fun huh?

We spent New Year's Eve with our wonderful friends like we've done every year since we moved to South Carolina. Every night until we left we stayed at their house too b/c we had no beds!

Tuesday, 4 Jan was our last day in Summerville. We left town between 5 and 6pm and drove until we got to Atlanta, where we made our first stop.

On 5 Jan we left Atlanta and drove to Memphis and stayed at a wonderful hotel for 2 nights. If you find yourself in need of a place to stay when you're visiting the Birthplace of Rock & Roll, you need to book yourself a room at the Marriott Downtown Memphis. It's right near the river and there's a door from the lobby that takes you right out to a trolley stop and for $1 a ride you can ramble down the street and get off at any of the cool old downtown places your little heart can desire. We ate dinner both nights at Blues City Cafe on Beale Street. Oh so yummy...and family friendly too.

January 6th we spent the day at the Memphis Zoo with the kids. It was pretty chilly but we practically had the zoo all to ourselves.

We headed out again on the 7th of January and planned on stopping somewhere along the way, but decided when we were about halfway to OKC that we really didn't to prolong the trip yet another day, so we just sucked it up and drove the rest of the way and got into Oklahoma City about 6pm on Friday. We couldn't get into the base billeting because it was a Guard weekend and our reservations didn't start till Saturday. But we found another place to stay and crashed.

Saturday & Today have been spent house-hunting...very unsuccessfully I may add. We're going to go to the housing office first thing Monday morning and see if there's anything available we can get into right away. We're on the list for a new 4 bedroom but that's about a 6-8 month wait. So we're going to ask for an old 3 or 4 bedroom and see what can be done. I'm praying hard that we can get moved in sometime soon...the tiny little 1 bedroom apartment that is TLF here at Tinker is rapidly shrinking with my family of 5. They don't even cater to families over four people...there's only 4 chairs at the table and 4 place settings. I have to admit I cried when I walked in.

On a good note we're hoping to get the boys enrolled in the base school tomorrow so that they can at least get back into a routine...they've already missed one full week and I'm afraid that they'll have to repeat this year if they miss too much more.

As soon as we're somewhere more permanent I'll be able to show pics of our Disney trip and our move. I'm not quite sure where the cord is for my camera right now, and the internet connection is hit or miss in TLF.

Ok well, I'm off to go check my laundry. I've taken over all 4 washers in the building's guest laundry room. That's what happens when a family of five travels for almost a week straight!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, dear! Let us know when you find a place! I'm sure you are anxious to get settled :)
