And if you're curious about them lengthening my lashes here's a story that will sell you on it for sure. When Jonah-man broke his arm in October the nurses at the urgent care were commenting on his gorgeously long, dark lashes. I told them that all three of the kiddos were blessed with them, and that they definitely didn't get it from my side of the family because mine were short and cruddy. They looked at me and said that my lashes were beautiful too and so long! I grinned and told them that it was all thanks to a great mascara. I'm pretty sure they went out after work that day and got some too. (Hey Maybelline...how 'bout a free tube for the free advertising? Nudge-nudge, wink-wink!)
So there you have it. My daily ritual if you will. (Well, I don't shave every day but you get the idea). As boring and simple as it is.