Monday, July 11, 2011

Beautiful Ocean Sunsets

Until I can find the time in the craziness that is "summer break with three kids" to actually sit down and document our vacation for you, I thought that maybe these sunset pics from our cruise would tie you over. These are some of my favorite shots from the entire vacation (cruise and after). I've already had a few family members ask for prints of these beauties to hang on their walls at home. You better believe they're going on my wall as well.

(All you photograph purists out there will be happy to know that I have not edited a single picture in this post. All of the amazing colors are exactly what I saw when I looked through the viewfinder.)

This first picture is probably my number 1 favorite picture I've taken. Ever. It was perfect timing with the sailboat just coming into view. (Taken off the coast of Florida, somewhere between Ft. Lauderdale and Key West.)

These next pictures were taken just off the coast of Key West. It's true what they say...Key West has some of the most exquisite sunsets ever.

This last shot was taken on the last night of our cruise as we headed back to Florida from Jamaica. The clouds were just as dark as they seem and the contrast of the stormy clouds and the beautiful glow from the setting sun blew me away.

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