Thursday, September 8, 2011

A review & a giveaway!

Now, don't fall over in shock that it's only been about a week since my last post...I'm trying to get back on schedule with my blog. Aren't you proud of me??

Anyway, last week I was contacted by Liz from My about reviewing their digital scrapbooking software. Now, I've always been intrigued with digital scrapbooking, but never got around to trying it. I was offered a free download so I figured now was as good a time as any to try it out!That night I did NOTHING else but play around with templates and downloads and pictures and embellishments. I made an entire album of Sophia's birthday party. Don't worry, I won't bore you with all the pages, but I do want to show you my 2 favorites!

It took a bit of playing around and a couple confused emails from myself to a wonderful helper from My Memories, but I got it figured out and had a blast doing it. Once I reigned in my one working brain cell I was easily able to create really cool pages using their scrapbook software.
They have a TON of free downloads on their site and oh so many inexpensive sets to choose from...I seriously could spend an entire day on their site and not see it all!

Now I know you're wondering where the giveaway comes in right? Well...the AWESOME people at My are offering one of you lucky people a free software download! That's a $40 value y'all!! All YOU have to do is go to and browse around. Then come back here and leave me a comment with your favorite digital paperpack or layout. It's that simple! I will pick a winner on Sunday, 11 September.

And have no fear if you're not the's a discount code for $10 off the package purchase AND a $10 download coupon! Just use STMMMS51103 when you check out and your discount will be reflected in the shopping cart. Pretty awesome, huh?

Keep checkin' back for more fund designs I made and don't forget to go to and see for yourself! They're also on Facebook and Twitter!


  1. Because of our situation, one of my favorite things to do is do a few military pages while William is deployed. So my favorite is the kit titled: Called To Duty.

    BTW: The two pages you made is super cute!! I'm like you, I've never really considered digital scrapbooking. But another friend of mine said once she went to digital scrapbooking, she will never go back to the "old fashioned" way because it takes too long. Interesting.

  2. Wo, hard to choose just one. If I had to choose just 1 it would be Mr. And Mrs. Mouse pack 2. But I also LOVE the "You're such a Hoot" on the new package pages. That is sooo CUTE!!!

    Lynda Abbott

  3. I love the Play Time templates. I've been watching to start working on digital scrapbooks but just haven't had the time to find the resources to do so. This would be perfect to finally start the project! Thanks Jen :)

    Love all the templates by the way!

  4. This was difficult to pick just one layout as there are so many cute ones. I really like the Boyish Template and Lets Celebrate. I too work with someone who won't go back to the "old fashion" way as she is hooked on digital scrapbooking.

  5. Hmm....very hard to choose! But I liked the Brothers kit. I could get lots of uses out of that one!! I love to scrapbook but rarely have the time to lay it out the old fashioned way, so I love this idea!
