Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Secret Agent Party

Over the weekend my Noah turned 10. I'm still in shock that he's reached double digits.
We had a SUPER fun birthday party for him...he picked a Secret Agent theme. I found this great printable party from Simone Made It on Etsy. So much of this party was editable so we were able to personalize it and make it just right for Noah's birthday. All of the guests were sent "Top Secret" invites where they were assigned a code name and given a secret code to decipher, along with a secret handshake. They had to tell the password and do the handshake when they arrived, and if they did both correctly they were given their mission documents. We set up the food table with a magnifying glass cake and some "Truth Serum".Goodie bags were awarded when their mission was complete.Mustaches were offered as disguises. Sophia called hers a "Mustache on a steeeek!" (We may or may not be fans of Jeff Dunham in our house ;) )The hubby brought home a fingerprinting kit from work and fingeprinted all of the 'agents' for their dossiers.We set up a weapons training course and all the "agents" shot Nerf guns at targets we hung from the cabinets.We also set up a Laser Evasion Course in the kitchen with red crepe paper. This was the hit of the party!All of the Secret Agents in their disguises. We really had a great time and it was one of the most fun parties we've had!


  1. Oh my gosh, this looks like so much fun. I'm going to show this post to Mac and try to convince him to do the same thing in a couple weeks for his birthday. GREAT IDEAS!!

  2. My son asked for a secret agent party and I was at a loss before this. Thank you!
